Graduates Follow-up Project
por Edinalva - PPGE.ENG
09/09/2021 09h35,
última modificação
09/09/2021 09h35
Graduates Follow-up Project
The Graduate Program in Education at UFPB started at the end of 2018 the Graduates Follow-up Project, which aims to promote continuous interaction with our masters and doctors to monitor their professional development after graduation. To find out about the trajectory of PPGE graduates we use activities such as applying questionnaires (google forms), which collect information on the PPGE's quality and its influence on professional training, labor market insertion, in the educational system, international insertion, intellectual production, award-winning technical-scientific works, etc.
In addition, we also host events with the graduates participation so they can share their training and the PPGE's contribution to their professional careers with current students. Another strategy for publicizing the graduates' productions takes place through social media - Project O.N.D.A -, in which their research is publicized in 1 to 2 minute videos.