Journal Temas em Educação
por Edinalva - PPGE.ENG
09/09/2021 09h33,
última modificação
09/09/2021 09h33
Journal Temas em Educação
Created in 1991, the Journal Temas em Educação (JTE), the PPGE's scientific journal, published its first issue in the online version in 2013. Its priority is to put into circulation productions that result from studies and scientific research in the education area. Qualis 2015:
B2 (Teaching and Language/Linguistics),
B3 (Education, Interdisciplinarity, Theology and Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism)
B5 (Sociology)
ISSN: 0104-2777 (Printed Version) and 2359-7003 (Online Version)
Link: click on the image to access.